When it comes to nicotine, how does a cigarette compare to a vape?

If you’re a smoker searching for a cigarette alternative, you might want to explore vaping. Perhaps you’re reading this because you’re wondering about the nicotine level of cigarettes vs. vapes. You probably have a few queries, such as how many puffs of vape equal a cigarette or how many puffs a day is considered typical for vaping. We’ll go over all of these and more in the sections below.


Nicotine in cigarettes


The amount of nicotine in cigarettes varies depending on the brand. A single cigarette can contain as little as 6 milligrams of nicotine on the low end, and as much as 28 milligrams on the high end. Most cigarettes, on the other hand, contain between 10 and 12 mg of nicotine per stick.


Some nicotine is released while the cigarette burns, so not all of it is inhaled. An average smoker inhales between 1.1 to 1.8 milligrams of nicotine each cigarette, equating to 22 to 36 milligrams of nicotine every pack of 20 cigarettes.


Vapes with nicotine


The nicotine content in vape liquids varies by brand. Some vapes have nicotine-free cartridges or nicotine salts cartridges with up to 50 milligrams per milliliter nicotine content. When comparing nicotine consumption to cigarette levels, average smokers prefer vape nicotine doses of 3 to 15 milligrams per ml. Vape juices with a nicotine concentration of up to 24 milligrams per milliliter are preferred by smokers with a greater daily tolerance.


In summary, the quantity of nicotine consumed by vaping may be adjusted to such a degree that vaping can give a dosage similar to or lower than cigarette smoking. Vapers with bigger vape mods, on the other hand, have the option of refilling e-liquids with increased nicotine concentration, which may be comparable to cigarette smoking.

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