Any True Cigarette Flavoring for DIY?

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May 9, 2021

I’ve read through the tobacco threads – not looking for pipe (I make a NET for that) or sweet RY4-based, but a true cigarette flavor. Been some years now, but have tried American Blend Red, Gold, Burly, Virginia, Honey, Cavendish, Orient, Orient Black, etc …. and also tried mixing various amounts of certain ones of those together as at the time word was you needed a mix this, that and the other thing, to taste like cigarettes. Steeped from up to a week to up to a year. Threw them all away except for the original American Blend juice I made from a Flavor Art bottle but after that I tried to buy it again and their AB flavor had changed. (And still didn’t taste like cigarettes anyway, but at least it didn’t taste like nuts or perfume.)

So has anyone found a flavoring that actually tastes like cigarettes?