4 essential vape supplies you need to own

A recurring theme with vaping devices is that like most electronic devices, some of the components aren’t necessarily long-lasting. Having to deal with a burnt coil, damaged battery or empty tank can be extremely unpleasant. Here are 4 vaping supplies that are vital in the journey of vaping:

  • Spare lithium batteries or vape kit

If your vaping device has a removable battery, keeping a spare battery on hand will allow you to switch between the two batteries instead of having one carrying all the load. In the case of a device with a built-in battery, you can always own a second vaping device, since most modern day devices are affordable. 

  • Emergency reserve of e-liquid

A vaping device with no e-liquid is essentially pointless. Running out of vape liquid out of the blue can be irritating but this problem can be avoided very easily. Having an emergency reserve of e-liquid is something you’ll thank yourself for in these situations. 

  • Backup USB charging cables

This one goes without saying, but USB cables are notorious for being short-lived. Most people have multiple charging cables at home, and you should too. Whether it’s type A or C, stocking up on these cables can be helpful in more ways than one.

  • Rebuildable atomizer and coil building supplies

In order to avoid equipment failure, it is important to create a vaping arsenal that can evade equipment failure. A rebuildable tank is much more durable than a built-in kit, and also lasts longer. Alongside the tank, a spool of wire and bag of cotton will let you build a new coil every day so that you can make your device last longer, that too inexpensively. 


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